
Personal Approach to Applying Learning Theory

When you think about learning, what comes to your mind? Learning is a continuous process that results in changes in behavior or experience. Learning theories create the opportunity to address important questions about learning, its influence, memory and knowledge which allow for educators to create better instruction for better learning outcomes. Applying learning theory when designing learning experiences is essential to ensuring that the experience is effective. Below are some ways that I have implemented learning theory into my designs.  Behaviorism and Gamification With this assignment, the goal was to d esign a gamified learning experience to teach and assess new employees' understanding of company policies using behaviorism and gamification principles using Google Forms. The end goal of this project for me was to provide different paths for the training so that employees could choose a path in a board game style quiz in order to gain a fun certificate in the end. I used chara...

My Prior Knowledge of Learning Theories

 Have you ever heard of Keller ARCS Model of Motivation? ARCS stands for Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction and was developed by John Keller. What I like about this learning theory is that each part of the model plays an important part into motivation for the learner. For example, in order to get the learner to be interested in the content, you have to grab their attention, and this could look like using hands-on activities or even humor to keep their attention. After you have their attention, you have to help the learner understand why the content is important to them and this helps them to stay motivated to learn the content. I personally like the confidence step because I feel like by proving to the learner that they can be successful, then they are more likely to do exactly that. Lastly, Keller ARCS Model of Motivation ends with Satisfaction which is where one will help the learner to celebrate their success and progress. This could look like providing feedback ...

Updated Definition of Learning & Instructional Design

When embarking on my journey of learning the foundations of Instructional Design, I had limited knowledge about the career field. I initially stated,   "My personal definition of learning design is a focus in education that puts emphasis on design and learning cohesively to enhance environments and programs through creativity, knowledge, and skills to design plans for equitable and effective learning." I would now add to this definition that learning design includes knowledge of various frameworks and learning theories for supporting learners through their experiences. Additionally, I would add the word technology to my definition as I now realize what an important role technology plays in learning design.  My new definition would state "a focus on teaching and learning that puts an emphasis on designing creatively and cohesively with others using various frameworks, learning theories and technologies to support an effective learning experience that help enhance any env...

Definition of Learning/Instructional Design and Technology Purpose

 My personal definition of  learning design is a focus in education that puts emphasis on design and learning cohesively to enhance environments and programs through creativity, knowledge, and skills to design plans for equitable and effective learning.  Technology plays a vital role in learning design by being able to create interactive learning experiences and provide tools to enable learners to engage with the content. The use and need for technology increased heavily during the pandemic and with that came a multitude of benefits and new learnings for the learning design space. Educational technology can be used to improve performance whether in education or workplace and be able to easily facilitate learning. One of the ways that technology plays a central role is for individuals with disabilities who are able to benefit from an education from a technological standpoint and similarly in remote wor...